The 24th of September RESEARCH Partners met in Rethymno for the Second Annual Meeting of RESEARCH project to discuss the main achievement of the first reporting period (2018-2020) and future research steps, also in the light of Covid-19 pandemic situation, which is determining delays in secondments implementations.
The rich agenda included the Coordinator’s report on deliverables status, milestones, management issues, dissemination activities, and project implementation activities. A specific session has been dedicated to the implementation of secondments in time of Covid-19 pandemic, looking at defining recovery strategies and future steps in planning. The REA Project Officer participated in the meeting.
The scientific session was dedicated to seconded staff presenting the results of the activities carried out at hosting institutions. Presentations were related to advancements in WP1 (Land Movement), WP2 (Soil erosion), WP3 (Land use change), and WP4 (RESEARCH platform and Web-GIS).
The meeting was concluded at 7 pm followed by a social dinner.
The next appointment for the Consortium will be in Italy (Rome/Viterbo) in September 2021, for the Third Summer School and the Intermediate conference.