Nicosia, CY, 3rd-5th October 2023 – S3
The 4th and last Summer School of the RESEARCH project started on the afternoon of the 3rd of October 2023 at the premises of S3 in Nicosia. The host Marcello Coradini (S3) welcomed the participants. Soon after, the Project coordinator Stefano De Angeli (UNITUS) offered a general overview of project objectives and the results obtained and illustrated the Summer School agenda. The presentations then concerned the results of the processing chains for land movement, soil erosion and land use change, achieved respectively in WP1, WP2 and WP3. The following section started on the morning of the 4th and focused on archaeological data and related data management issues. Two case studies were presented in more detail as examples of a landscape-scale study area (Sławno-Darłowo area, Poland), and a site-scale archaeological area (Falerii Novi, Italy). The section was completed with a presentation of the Archaeological database. After this, the presentations related to the risk assessment methodology adopted and implemented by RESEARCH, the RESEARCH Platform and the WebGIS. The activities ended on Thursday the 5th with a practical data entry session in the database and the GIS Platform.
Speakers and participants interacted about all topics and the suggestions collected helped complete the agenda of the Final Conference, which will be held in Rome on the 17th of October.

Limassol, CY, May 2019 – CUT
Rethymno, GR, Sept. 2020 – FORTH
Viterbo, IT, July 2021 – UNITUS