The 6th of November RESEARCH partners have met in Athens to discuss the project’s first-year progress.
The rich agenda included the Coordinator’s report on deliverables status, milestones, management issues, and project implementation activities, such as joint collocations for secondments, advisory board definition, and the end-user workshop. Nevertheless, the core of the meeting focused on scientific and thematic issues, with the participation of all partners, in particular, WP’s leaders. The discussion has been mostly about the state of art and future activities of WP1 (Land Movement), WP2 (Soil erosion), WP3 (Land use change), and WP4 (RESEARCH platform and Web-GIS). The final part of the meeting has been dedicated to the presentation of the website and to the other activities of dissemination. In conclusion of the activities, some seconded staff presented the products of their periods of secondment.
The next appointment for the consortium will be in Rome/Viterbo at the end of March 2020.