The First Summer School of RESEARCH has been organized by CUT and has run from the 21st to the 27th of May 2019. The First Summer School aimed at giving to participant the basic knowledge on factors threatening cultural heritage, risk assessment methodology, and how to write a H2020 proposal. Further specific lectures covered archaeological survey methods, both from field activities and remote sensing application (aerial, satellite and terrestrial). Other lectures showed how to assess vegetation risk in archaeological sites through remote sensing application, how to use high. resolution UAV imagery and SAR images to monitor land cover, how to produce a DEM from 2D UAV imagery. Participants were also involved in practical applications. Friday the 24th was devoted to a field trip in the site of Amathous, one of the case studies of the project, located just outside the modern city of Limassol. The responsible from the Department of Antiquity conducted the participants through the ancient city illustrating its history and the excavated areas, such as the main square, the temples of the Acropolis and the ancient harbour.
After the end of the Summer School, RESEARCH partners met for a progress meeting, during which they discussed deadlines, secondments and technical issues related to the risk assessment and the thematic platform.